2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Ode to a cellphone

Dear cellphone,
You are like an entertainer, playing games, listening to music, texr messaging.
You await your owner with a bright and blinking face,sometimes put to sleep
When your energy runs out your fun runs out only to be replaced by sad blank darkness.
You are good when you do your owner's bidding but you are naughty when you disfunction
You have many abilities but when the time comes, you are already gone.

You can not swim or bunjee jump, being such a fragile thing.
You need electricty as nutrition and batteries to live.
You have many clothes of different colors and shapes.
You are a pricy thing to keep up but some can't immagine life without you.

So can you think how much I am depressed, without the joy you bring?
Everyday I am tortured by my friends who go about their daily lives,
not knowing how much they are blessed by their little friend.
I can not send text messages or talk to people on the phone.

I am sure you know the sadness I feel without you
and I sure you know I have been waiting for a very long time to have you
so why don't you come?
Why do you slip out from my grasp further and further away?
My birthday,Christmas, Children's day came and went with no sign of you
When will you come?
I await you.

This is an ode I wrote to a cellphone in writing class at camp GLPS.
Those who have read this who has cellphones should know how lucky they are.
I really envy you. Those who don't have a cellphone will know how I feel.
I hope I'll get a cell phone  this year. ㅠㅠ

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